Snakes On Your Shoulder

Let me introduce Jaxter. He’s a large snake that lives right in my neighborhood. This is my friend, Chelsea McKenzie, and her 6 yr old boa.  She is enamored of all animals and has a special rapport with them. I’ve enjoyed knowing about her stories that revolve around having a snake in the house.  Her cat seems to be addicted to going up to the glass of his cage and hanging out late into the night. This is often followed by thumping noises as the snake strikes the glass aiming at her feline.  Curiosity and cats…. go figure. Here is his jungle lair: (And, as usual, clicking the pics will enlarge them.)


Fun stuff and of course, I relate completely to handling the slinky large sidewinder.  On some occasions, she lets him slide through the grass in her yard and he seems most happy. 1794785_10152297748362755_1845585186_n

By the way, if you go to visit her house, this is the welcoming committee peering out through the window to greet you~! 1625470_10152297732037755_1513691003_n

In my 20’s, I thoroughly enjoyed the connection to the heavy bodied constrictors I took with me out into the school systems . My travels out into Greater Houston had a sense of adventurousness about them every day. Entering a classroom or auditorium with the menagerie was like bringing the circus to the school (literally). Introducing myself was a breeze and the room was full of excitement as the children got an eyeful of all of us as we spread out before them. I started the lecture off with Rosie: the 6 foot long boa constrictor donated by a local strip act (so she was used to be handled). Just laid the snake over my shoulders and everyone shut up. Best teaching prop EVER! Loved the job. So fun. I carried Rosie (the snake) in a burlap bag and we were at ease with each other. When she would have enough of being handled by grade schoolers, I’d feel her tense a bit in her belly and slide her back into the sack. Wonderful snake. And superb help from my Junior League women escorts (doctor’s and lawyer’s wives, etc. who volunteered to help me on my trips.) I’ve always enjoyed the company of good looking women. They were as hot to my eyes as a Houston summer was to the body.


I guess playing with snakes has appealed to some of my relatives.  My aunt, JoAnn, had her hands full with this one.  Heh…. it looks like her left hand can’t figure out whether to advance to touch it or head for the next county. Snakes… must run in the family. 1381876_10202423104883623_1226515243_n

I enjoyed all of my experiences with snakes but I also had a healthy respect for them. You just don’t get aggressive with snakes (or any animal, for that matter.) Some beligerent yahoo staffer at the zoo was being a jerk and was rough with the reptiles. Needless to say,  a boa bit him on the hand. Really bad visuals for that one. Rumor has it that they have fierce fangs.  The head of the zoo had been bitten by so many poisonous snakes over his career that the docs told him if he got one more bite, he’d be dead. I figured my job was actually a godsend compared to some of the duties of the keepers at the Zoo. I didn’t know it at the time, but there were changes in the wind that would take me far from this animal paradise.  There would also be moments coming where I’d long for animal behavior as compared to some “human” shenanigans and incivility.

I’ll just leave this last pic as a reminder of previous companions that graced my shoulder.  Thanks for the pics, Chelsea! 1654446_10152294981377755_302829659_n

Her cover pic seems completely appropriate here and encompasses the deep affection I feel for all living things:





3 thoughts on “Snakes On Your Shoulder”

  1. Another good look into your life experiences…Of course, snakes give me the willies and but i do appreciate those that like them and especially those that work with them on stage, ahem. Not too sure a 14 footer would be what I would have in the house, but to each his own I guess. The cat must have dead wish to hang out around the 14 footer, but maybe he likes to see the snake whack his head into the glass a couple of times a day. Never mind, Cats would love to see snake foiled again and again and secretly laugh at the snake bumping into the glass…
    The Junior League ladies seem to be mentioned a couple of times here and I noted that they were HOT on the eyes, not “easy on the eyes” as normally said, so there is probably good story or two with these ladies…I will wait…

  2. the snake is just a mere 7 foot, so I’m sure you would feel more easy about getting close and personal. I screwed up it’s age. Not 14 years, but a youngish 7 years. They often live to age 30

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